About Me

I am a 19 year old interested in drawing, animation, painting, sketching, improv, writing, movies, and all that sort of stuff. I am currently enrolled in the Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program, and am projected to graduate the year 2017

Friday, March 11, 2011


Been procrastinating a lot. Here are some bad guy lairs.

Some knowledge:

The Ashcan school of American painters sought to perpetuate an art style that was realistic, poignant, and uniquely American in content and execution. This was in response to both the European Academism prevalent in their time, as well as the rise of modern art. The painters were led by teacher and painter Robert Henri.


Monday, March 7, 2011

More more more sketches!

Painting coming. Until then, here's a few sketchbook pages with a ton of writing. A little bit of knowledge:
The Prix du Rome was considered by the 19th century French Academy to be the greatest accomplishment in art. It combined one's skills as a draughtsman, painter, and designer, with knowledge of classical and Biblical history.