About Me

I am a 19 year old interested in drawing, animation, painting, sketching, improv, writing, movies, and all that sort of stuff. I am currently enrolled in the Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program, and am projected to graduate the year 2017

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Just a little personal thing I've been working on on and off for a couple of months. I guess every piece of art I do is personal, so that statement is redundant. Trying t figure out how to make these pictures clickable thumbnails. Here you go. Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh Felipe. That's creative, i bet there are a ton of inside jokes in there! Thanks for your comment, I'm trying my best to keep on practicing until I go to school. I the coloring on this, especially love the babe in blue...
