Been using watercolors for figures. This is a recent one:
This one is kind of old actually, but I still like it.
The Grounds totally fired me because I delivered too much awesome in poster form .
One of the many self- portraits that hangs in my room and looks at me while I sleep
This summer I'm going to the "RISD precollege perspective". It's 6 weeks of artmakin, and I'm excited. I had an idea where I'd make blog posts in the form of a journal where I would either expose or praise the program, because I wish there was something for it now, so I could know what to expect. I probably won't have the will to post on here any more than I already do. This vacation I'm going to California. I have an interview with a counselor from Art Center and a campus visit of CalArts. I like both of em, but I think Art Center a little bit more.
Hopefully I'll update this more often.