About Me

I am a 19 year old interested in drawing, animation, painting, sketching, improv, writing, movies, and all that sort of stuff. I am currently enrolled in the Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program, and am projected to graduate the year 2017

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New posts

I haven't been able to post in a while because I've been busy. I've been drawing and producing a lot. I also got back into writing along with drawing, so now everything I draw has some sort of story or something. My scanner isn't working, so I'll post one thing up.

It's an example of the sort of thing I've been doing

Thursday, September 9, 2010


A RISD assignment to make a CD cover for JAZZ. I like this one because I did some research about art deco and the Jazz era and I kind of incorporated all those things into the piece. Also, I'm really happy with the colors. This one went through a few changes before it got here.

Jazz CD Cover, 10"X10", acrylic on illustration board

The picture isn't very good, cuz I took it with my lame camera without flash, because acrylic makes a glare, so I had to move the colors around on photoshop until they were true to life.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

House on my street

It's made with prismacolor markers on sketchbook paper. Kind of a sucky combination of mediums, but whatever.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pen and ink

I want to do a long post on lines. For now, here's two drawings.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I finished the Rhode Island School of Design Pre-College program. It was a 6 week fully immersive program in which you lived on campus, went to class, and were given assignments, pretty much as you would in actual art school.
It was a great experience. Of course, the thing had it's good and bad moments. People in high school sometimes don't have a notion of the amount of work that art school actually entails, and I include myself in that sweeping generalization. It was a lot of friggin work. It was also a lot of fun. I met a lot of incredibly interesting people, and learned a ton of things.
I wouldn't be able to do a post detailing everything I learned. I might put it in here in snmaller bite size pieces. For now, I'll post pieces one by one.

This first one was for my design class, taught by Lauren Minco (I dunno why I linked that. Maybe someday when people read this it'll be my first piece of networking). The idea was to make a picture depicting one of the 7 deadly sins. Mine was lust.
The first thing I did was a collage. I figured I might as well try something new, something outside the box. So I spent a whole Saturday, from morning to night, working on a dada-looking collage.
It was all good and fine, but it just wasn't working 100%. So, in two days, I re-did my concept.

Somewhere in here there was a lesson about trying new things and stepping outside your comfort zone. Just look at that lusty chicken!
More to come!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Little enviroment

Been really interested with the idea of making realistic lighting arrangements from the mind rather than from observation. It's pretty much what concept artists and animatirs do. Been trying to learn about color and lighting and atmosphere. Made this in a couple of hours in photoshop.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


These are some things I've been doing with gouache. This first one is a figure I did one of the Monday nights. I was trying to work quickly because it was a short pose. The drawing is off, but I tried concentrating on the values, and some of the color relationships-- like how the whole stomach is warmer because of reflected light.
These next two are master copies after oil painter Richard Schmid, from his book Alla Prima: Everything I Know about Oil Painting. This one down here I did with a limited palette of black, white, yellow ochre, and vermillion red, taking care to get all the temperature and value relationships as well as I could.
This one down here I did first. It's not done with a limited palette, and I messed up on the highlight that runs across the top of the cheek, nose, and upper lip. It's too cool, and it looks like it doesn't belong there.

These are little paintings I made of my backyard. This one is just in black and white. It's of a little door that leads to my backyard from the outside.

These two I was more concerned with color. I figured out a little later on though that I would never make perfect color judgements because I was painting from under shade, and I couldn't judge the colors as well as I would have if I had been under the same light.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Figure drawings

These were all done at monday night figure drawing at the Hartford Art School. Still trying to figure out a working method with gouache.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Animation and some stills

I like a lot of things in art. One of them is animation. I am possibly considering following it into art school, but I'm not sure. Here's one animated movie I made with my friend Will. We make movies often. Another one of our animations is the famed "Foark n Spewn," picked up by HBO for production into a 10 season mini-series, but dropped after making a joke about HBO CEO Marty Collins, calling him a fathead in episode 04. This one is called Tuco Morrison. It's very short, and was intended to be just a small test of the character, to see if he was funny. The reason it has that whole presentation in the beggining is because we presented it at our school film festival.

Now I'm working on the second part. It's not much longer, but it's much more complicated: more backgrounds, more animation, more characters, more awesome. Here's some screenshots of the design process, and some finished backgrounds. All this work for about 2 and a half minutes of animation give me an appreciation for what animated films go through to be made. It might not be finished until after the summer. Anyways, here you go:


These were all done at the studio of a local artist named Rick Harden in the beggining of the year. He gives day long figure drawing workshops. He advocates these expressive, very tonal and form-revealing figures. No lines are allowed (at least in the beggining stages of the drawing). This is tough for me because I'm used to starting out drawing an outline and then shading the forms inside. They're two different ways to go about it, and both are valid. Although, I learned about the importance of weight and movement. Also, when I showed my drawings to the admissions person at Art Center, these were the ones she liked the most, which is ironic because of how much I originally resisted to doing things his way.

These are meant to be short, about 5 minute drawings, concentrating on just the line of movement and the weight.
This is a longer one

Anyways, these are a little old. Newer things to be posted.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Random sprinkling of stuff I've been making. It's all representative, save for that one poster.
Been using watercolors for figures. This is a recent one:

This one is kind of old actually, but I still like it.

The Grounds totally fired me because I delivered too much awesome in poster form .

One of the many self- portraits that hangs in my room and looks at me while I sleep

More cartoon stuff to come.
This summer I'm going to the "RISD precollege perspective". It's 6 weeks of artmakin, and I'm excited. I had an idea where I'd make blog posts in the form of a journal where I would either expose or praise the program, because I wish there was something for it now, so I could know what to expect. I probably won't have the will to post on here any more than I already do. This vacation I'm going to California. I have an interview with a counselor from Art Center and a campus visit of CalArts. I like both of em, but I think Art Center a little bit more.
Hopefully I'll update this more often.