About Me

I am a 19 year old interested in drawing, animation, painting, sketching, improv, writing, movies, and all that sort of stuff. I am currently enrolled in the Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program, and am projected to graduate the year 2017

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer art- Portraits

Here are portraits- one of my dad, one of my sister- that I've made. I really want to keep making them, cuz I feel like I'm finally starting to get good likenesses.

Summer art- figure drawing 2

More figures

Summer art- Figure drawing 1

We're also doing a lot of figure drawing.
Sorry about the pictures. I'm trying to figure out a way to get good pictures of the drawings. This is what I have for now:

Summer art- still lives

I've been going, for most of the summer, to a summer art program at the
for high school students interested in
All the drawing till now, has been obvservational drawing. Before starting the program, I made this drawing of my violin:

We started out with still lives. The first one was of a ton of white painted objects. I wish I had had more time to work on it. It was a good excercise though:

The next still life had a whole bunch of things. I chose to concentrate on a statue they had. Again, I totally wish I had had more time, but I think it looks pretty good at the level I WAS able to get it to.

More summer art to come